The minimum gambling age is 18 for lottery games, bingo, and raffles, and 21 for casino-style games.
Regulations about lottery games, pari-mutuel racing, and tribal gaming oversight can be found in Kansas Statutes 74-87, 74-88, and 74-98. Most matters related to illegal gambling are covered by Kansas Statutes 21-64: Crimes Against the Public Morals. Placing a bet via an illegal gambling operation is a 'crime against public morals' in Kansas, a class B nonperson misdemeanor which, on conviction, could result in a sentence of up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.
Kansas Statutes 21-4303 define illegal gambling is “making a bet, or entering or remaining in a gambling place with intent to make a bet, to participate in a lottery, or to play a gambling device.”